/ ARTIST / 2024

BKKIF Artist  
COUNTRY: Thailand
Hello, I'm BEEBS! I'm an illustrator living in Bangkok. What you see here are stories in my head. They are the combination of my sense of sight and my constant waves of thoughts, produced and reintroduced in a form of some deep and trivial circumstances. Hope you all enjoy!


This is the artwork for Chinese new year 2024 which is dragon year. As I'm HALF - THAI, HALF- CHINESE. So I came up with the dragon vase idea, which thai and china have their own style of dragon vase, but the common part is the dragon on the vase.
For thai style we have Ratchaburi dragon pottery which mainly brown color and for China they have qing dynasty dragon vase which mainly blue and white color. And in the feet part they wear sandals which is the foot wear that thai and china also have in common.


In the past if we think of the way we were mowing lawn, we will think of cow mowing lawn. Though in these day we are not so familiar with a cow anymore, because we use the machine to help us to do many thing. And we use mowing machine to replace the cow duty too. So this is what twenty-first century cow look like in my imagination.


As we have to sit in front of computer and work every Monday to Friday at the office, most of us got an office syndrome. So I vitualize how office worker sit like a shrimp everyday in the office. And twist the word "Syndrome", not only play with the sound of “Shrimp” and "Syn" (Shrimpdrome - Syndrome) but also play with the idea of syndrome that come from sitting like a shrimp.


This artwork was created to celebrate halloween day. As an adult, the most spooky thing for me lately was monthly payment bill which will haunt you every end of the month. So I connected this idea with the ghost. And this is my kind of monthly spooky.

BEEBS RED CROSS SOCIETY ( mobile blood donation unit )

Buddism teach us about sin and merit and the 5 precept rules, One of the rule said "Do not kill " which mean we shouldn't kill any living things. As I'm buddism, when I has been bitten by mosquito, I believed that I'm going to donate my blood to those mosquito who are in need. So I play with the concept of red cross society which open for people who want to donate their blood. And one service is "mobile blood donation unit" which will allow people donate their blood from nearby station. So it is the same situation as when mosquitio bite you and you can donate your blood from anywhere. This is the reason why the mosquito is a nurse who are waiting to service you.


This artwork was created to celebrate valentine's day. I use spoon and fork characters to be symbolic of someone who already good by their own but when they are together, it is much better. Like spoon and fork which we can use it separately and its already functional enough. But when we use both of its together, its make us way more easier to complete our meal.


I think about thai dessert which called " GLUAY BUACH CHEE".
It is thai style banana in coconut milk. So I play with thai word "BUACH CHEE" which in thai means women who ordain as a nun. So I connect this two idea together and also link with my favorite childhood cartoon Banana in pyjamas. So this artwork called " BANANA IN TEMPLE".


This artwork was created to celebrate valentine's day. But for people who still not interested in having soulmate because they just focused on their work, as known as workaholic. So I came up with the vitual of the heart as a groom who just married to pile of work as a bridegroom.


This is how we are celebrating christmas during the covid 19 season, We have to check antigen self test every time we go out to meet someone. So I imagine about covid19 stuff party
during the christmas time: a swab stick as a christmas tree, a test strip as santa claus, a small vial of liquid as snowman and have virus as a christmas ornaments.


The rolled cuttlefish is one of pattaya street food which really catch my attention. I like how it upside down display on the hanger and pinch with clothes pegs. Also the way some merchant use plastic basket as the base of the shelf instead of stainless steel cart. When I keep looking at the cuttlefish's tentacles with the shape and the color of its, this make me think about Bob Marley hairstyles. So I came up with the idea of cuttlefish is party in reggae theme. And with the reggae symbolic colors which is red, yellow and green light at the back. These light in normally night will be green color which is the light from squid fishing boat in the middle of the sea.