ARTIST: | Emte |
COUNTRY: | Indonesia |
EMAIL: | rapidodancer@gmail.com |
madebyemte.com - @emteemte - |
Born, raised, lived and worked in Jakarta, Mohammad Taufiq is usually called Emte (read: em-tay) which is his ‘signature’ name in making works of art. Having been happy with drawing since he was a child, Emte has made a lot of comics, strip cartoons, illustrations for various magazines, book covers, murals, t-shirt designs, and various other commercial projects. His background as a freelance illustrator made Emte accustomed to the practice of working with various mediums and versatile drawing styles. There are many domestic themes and trivial things that are sometimes missed in everyday life, are displayed by Emte in his works, which are mostly made using watercolour and liquid acrylic, as a medium that is difficult to predict and interesting to explore. Starting from 2001, Emte is actively involved in various commercial and artistic projects, collectively and personally, in Indonesia and abroad. In January 2019, with a spectrum of diversity and exploration of contemporary art practice in Indonesia, Emte held a collective exhibition with 11 other artists at the Darren Knight Gallery in Sydney, Australia. Next in March, Emte held a live mural session with the theme of underwater wealth and beauty at the Indonesian Pavilion at the London Book Fair 2019. Also in March, Emte participated in the 'Eastern Rhythm' exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria. Since then he has been actively involved in various exhibitions, Art Fairs and projects ranging from the Asia Illustration Fair - Shanghai, the Seoul Illustration Fair, the Frankfurt Book Fair, The Other Art Fair in New York, to the Talented Art Fair in London. In 2020 emte participated in the 'Indonesia Calling' exhibition at 16 Albermarle art space - Sydney, Australia with works that talked about private-public space and its relationship with the pandemic situation that was sweeping the world at that time. Artwork with the theme of optimism in dealing with a pandemic situation is again brought up by Emte in the next exhibition entitled 'Berkelanjutan (Sustainable)' in 2022 at the Sarinah Art District. In 2023 Emte represent Indonesia for the 'Toponymie' exhibition in Quebec, Canada by displaying works on the theme of the city of Jakarta with illustrators from various countries, as part of the UNESCO program for Quebec as a City of Literature. |