/ ARTIST / 2023

BKKIF Artist  
ARTIST: Bea.u.bear
COUNTRY: Thailand
Hello, I'm Kamonnat, also known as Beauty. My design approach centers around storytelling, using abstract elements to convey my emotions and express my unique style.

18:51 (nightfall)

The project aims to convey a sense of tranquility and serenity through the use of natural forms like wind, water and trees, creating a feeling of silence. It will be arranged in a grid layout to allow for privacy while still maintaining a sense of harmony. The design is intended to convey the tranquility found in nature, especially during nightfall.

At nightfall time (1)

Tranquility arising from an environment that is free from the noise and commotion.

At nightfall time (2)

At nightfall time (3)

Peace of wind

The movement of the wind brings a sense of peace to the mind.


Peace from the natural atmosphere and the sound of water rippling.

In sky

Sense of calmness

Nightfall Seeds

Nature is growing.

When she flies (1)

Her peaceful and charming movement invites a sense of calm and appreciation for its inherent beauty.

When she flies (2)